Varia icon


Quick and efficient download manager

for regular downloads, videos and torrents

    Source on GitHub

Varia screenshot

Download quickly.

Download files and torrents quickly - potentially faster than your browser, continue incomplete downloads even after reboots

Get web video and audio.

Download video and audio from thousands of websites like YouTube, TikTok and Twitter in any supported quality setting.

Connect it to your browser.

Varia integrates seamlessly with Firefox and Chrome/ium through an extension. It can route all downloads to itself.

Powerful underneath.

Schedule downloads with a powerful scheduler allowing for custom timespans for each day of the week. Use basic authentication and import cookies from a file. Adjust other settings like the download speed, the torrent seeding ratio and more.

The Varia logo / icon and the Flathub logo were made by Jakub Steiner.

The font used in this web page is Cantarell.

The icons used in this web page were modified by me (mainly the colors and sizes were changed).

The original Linux Tux icon was made by Larry Ewing. The version used here was made by OpenClipart-Vectors
on Pixabay.

The Arch Linux logo was sourced from Arch Linux, made by Judd Vinet, Aaron Griffin and Levente Polyák.

The Flatpak icon is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.

GITHUB®, the GITHUB® logo design, the INVERTOCAT logo design, OCTOCAT®, and the OCTOCAT® logo design are
trademarks of GitHub, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.
The OCTOCAT design is the exclusive property of GitHub, Inc and has been federally registered with the
United States Copyright Office.

The package icon used in the Download for Windows section is part of the Feather icons set, licensed under the MIT license.

The Snap / Snapcraft logo was created by Canonical.